Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's Election Day!

The Polls are Open



If you're going to be voting at the Memorial Park School,

don't forget to visit the Cafeteria and the



It's 45.5 degrees

WKTV predicts that: "A rather boring week is in store in the weather department, which means most of you will be happy! High pressure aloft is going to center itself over us tonight and for Election Day. Clouds will generally decrease as the night and Tuesday wear on. Heading to the polls tomorrow? Expect temperatures in the 40s for early morning voters, mid to upper 50s for late morning and early afternoon voters, and mid 50s to low 60s for late afternoon and early evening voters, with a slow, steady drop in temperature after 5 PM. Conditions will be dry.
As we go from Wednesday into Thursday and perhaps Friday, we expect this area of high pressure to remain in tact, with generally dry, pleasant, unseasonably mild weather expected.


Frannie has sent an Email on behalf of the

North Brookfield Fire Deparment

saying "Thank You"

to everyone who attended the Hallowe'en Party

last Friday night!


The time change: it's wonderful to have it getting light earlier in the morning but I'm clearly going to have to adjust my afternoon routine because when I set out on my usual tour, yesterday at around 3:30, it was already less than bright out and at 4:10 the lights on Main Street had turned on!


That reminded me that I had a photograph in my camera that I hadn't published:

here's Matt Jurczak in front of his home at 188 Sanger Avenue on Saturday evening, getting ready to light candles in all 103 Jack-o-lanterns! He said, "I just couldn't help myself!"

Does anyone have a picture taken later, when it was dark?


Blogspot.com is being unusually unresponsive, this morning - I imagine that blog traffic is extremely heavy due to election chatter - and so I'm going to publish this short post and try to add more later on, today.

Have a good one, everyone!