62.4 degrees; foggy dark!
One of the few really bright spots was on Upper White Street!
I had a phone call yesterday afternoon from the patient himself --- Dale Meszler, if any of you had wondered. He had surgery on Wednesday to have a large (but benign) tumor removed from his pituitary gland. The tumor had been pressing on the optic nerve and had effected his vision to an unpleasant degree. Surgery took place at Mass General Hospital; he was only in the hospital for about 26 hours! He said that there's no sign at all that he'd had the surgery - as in bruising, or bandages - nor is there much of any discomfort, but that his vision is getting better and better and better every hour!
in memory of
the Luke & Pauline Foppes Family
in memory of
Rodney J. Rider and Elaine M. Rider
Yesterday morning I emailed a press release about the Bandstand Groundbreaking to several newspapers including the Midyork Weekly, in Hamilton. Just a few minutes later there came this reply:
"(I) was going to send you an email on this. I read your blog every day and just love it. Gil Condon is my uncle; my mom was Marian and I spent many good times on West Bacon St. at my grandma's so I know sooooo many of the names." (signed) Carolyn. (Small World, for sure!)
I also received this report, from Sandy Martin: "The 'Crimson Bonnets' met at Michael's on Thursday August 28th. Approximately 24 members were present. We all enjoyed a delicious and very filling lunch served by a very patient waitresses. After our meal we were surprised with assorted cakes for desert. Later many of the member went to the Historical Society to view the Eastman Exhibit. We want to thank Lovina and Pat for doing such a wonderful job in setting up our meeting.
The September meeting is being held at the South Street Banquet Hall in West Winfield. Members are reminded to call Mary or Helen with their reservations." (Thanks, Sandy!)
Speaking of "Michael's (Fine Food & Spirits," on Main Street) - the restaurant will be closed tomorrow: Michael is getting married!!!
Have a really good weekend, everyone!